Sunday, February 12, 2006

Mastering Concentration

There are disturbances everywhere -- passing cars, the dog, the telephone, the neighbours. Here are a few tips on how to cope.

Who isnt familiar with this scenario: you are just about to solve a difficult problem when the telephone rings. You are annoyed but you answer. When you put the receiver down, you can't remember your solution. There are ways to protect yourself from such disturbances.

In the office, it is helpful to let your colleagues know that at certain times you do not want to be disturbed. If necessary, put a sign on your door. If that doesnt work, move your workstation.

When it comes to concentration, however, we are often our own worst enemies. Lack of enthusiasm and difficulties with concentration can be an indication that our work patterns or habits need correction. Take short breaks while you work, and reward yourself when the job is done. Maybe you need more sleep, or you are taking too many burdens, which is quite common these days. In that case, you need to take up a sport or some other relaxing activity.

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