Saturday, July 23, 2005


What's your definition of success? Is it purely financial wealth. Or is it a balance between career, family, wealth, religion and life.

Wise men used to say, what is money when one is always on the sick bed? Money can bring the best doctors but they cannot heal the body. Yet, so many of us squander our health in pursuit of money, only to lose the very money that they have been after to regain their health.

That is why you should meet Michael Angier, the founder of  SuccessNet. Michael teaches and guides us in our goal of becoming a wholesome, successful person. This website is full of articles and books which help clarify what success is and how to achieve them.

Most motivational books tell of goal setting and how important it is in the pursuit of success. Michael agrees with it. But, he goes one step further by providing you with tools to help you reach your goals. His books and articles are a delight to read and ponder upon.

Go ahead and give  SuccessNet a try. I know you will not regret it.

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