Saturday, May 06, 2006

Two Strategic Thinking Principles

By: Brian Tracy

There are two specific military principles of strategy that your can apply in your personal and corporate life to be far more effective. One key principle that you can use is called the Principle of the Offensive. This principle requires that you accept full responsibility for your situation, whatever it is, and then you take charge and take action. You go on to the attack. You become proactive rather than reactive. 

The Key To Breakthroughs
I have consulted and worked with hundreds of corporations. In every case, I have found that all great breakthroughs, and breakouts from problem situations, involve someone making the decision to take aggressive, forward action. The wonderful thing about this attitude of the offensive is that it invariably leads to an outcome that is superior to that of just waiting for things to improve. 

Determine The Critical Success Factors 
Look at your current situation. What are the critical factors that will determine your success or failure? Once you have decided on the one or perhaps two things that, if done well, can make a real difference, launch yourself forward and get busy, take action, do something. The only real antidote to worry or problems is systematic, purposeful action in the direction of your goals.

Concentrate Your Energies
Another military principle of strategy that you can use is called the principle of the mass. The principle of objective requires clarity of focus. The principle of the offensive requires aggressive action. The principle of the mass requires that you concentrate your resources on your areas of greatest opportunity. One of the most important habits that you can develop is the habit of single-minded concentration, with all your energies, on one thing at a time. 

Identify Your Key Success Qualities
The starting point of applying the principle of the mass to your personal and corporate life is for you to ask, "What skills, talents and abilities do I have that have accounted for my success in life to date?" It is only by concentrating your energies on the one or two things that you can do that can make a real difference that will enable you to fulfill your potential as an executive. 

Eliminate Your Major Obstacles
You then ask the question, "What obstacles stand between me and my goals and objectives?" Make a list of all the factors that appear as obstacles in your environment. Be sure to write down the areas of competence or skill where you might be weak. Include the factors within your corporate environment as well as the factors outside the corporation. Then, organize the list in terms of priority. What one obstacle, if it were removed, would move you the most rapidly toward accomplishing your goals? 

Focus On One Activity Only 
To be successful, you must discipline yourself to think through what you are doing and then to concentrate on one thing, the most important thing, and stay with it until it is complete. This one habit alone can change your entire future. And you can develop this habit through daily practice. 

Action Exercises
Now, here are two actions you can take immediately to apply these principles to increasing your effectiveness. 

First, resolve today that you will be proactive rather than reactive. Instead of worrying about something, take action to solve the problem or change the situation. Go on to the offensive in your business life and keep moving forward. 

Second, focus your talents and energies single mindedly on the one thing that you can do that can make a greater difference than anything else. Resolve to develop the habit of single minded concentration until it is as natural to you as breathing. This will change your entire life.

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