Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Book Recommendations.

At MPH today and I picked up a few books which I have always wanted to read but never had the time. My current book is Brian Green's Fabric of the Cosmos - simply an excellent book about space, time and reality.

Another book which I loved was A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. Bryson describes graphically and in layman's terms the size of the universe, and that of atoms and subatomic particles. He then explores the history of geology and biology, and traces life from its first appearance to today's modern humans, placing emphasis on the development of the modern Homo sapiens. Furthermore, he discusses the possibility of the Earth being struck by a meteor, and reflects on human capabilities of spotting a meteor before it impacts the Earth, and the extensive damage that such an event would cause. He also focuses on some of the most recent destructive disasters of volcanic origin in the history of our planet, including Krakatoa and Yellowstone National Park. 

Back to the books I picked up today at MPH:

1. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
2. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
3. For One More Daby Mitch Albom
4. Malaysia at Random

I am looking for more interesting books to read in addition to the four books above. Any recommendations? I am keen on science, auto-biographies, spiritual and sometimes political. I tried reading Shakespeare but never could get past page 1. Philosophy sounds interesting. My uncle, Derek Gomez, is a master philosopher but he's books are way beyond my intellectual realm. I need something dummed down.

Suggestions welcomed.


Anonymous said...

if you are into fiction, I just finising reading a great book called white tiger. It won the booker prize last year.- Karthi

Anonymous said...

if you are into fiction, I just finished reading a great book called white tiger. It won the booker prize last year.- Karthi

pauline26 said...

Thanks Karthi, I'll put it on my list.