Friday, April 21, 2006

World Forum Online!

Introducing World Forum!

WF-Online is an international community created to address global political and social issues such as corruption, wars, oppression, hunger and lack of care for the environment - but we want to do more than just debate. Many people would like to actually do something about all these problems, but as foreigners, most aren't allowed to vote in or contribute to elections in the so-called leading nations. Yet the whole world endures the consequences of decisions taken by their governments. WF-Online is reaching Americans, South-Americans, Europeans and Australians who do vote, can donate to political parties and have a voice in their countries. And even politicians themselves read the blogosphere for information and are influenced by what we write. WF-Online also endorses the organisations who share our positions and are actively involved in bringing about reform. And since the world media isn't doing a good job of presenting our views on the issues we really care about, we are getting our message out and increasing the awareness of all readers around the globe.

Even if you're not politically inclined, World Forum Online offers an independent view of world events. Visiting this site will not be waste of time, infact, it might just offer you new perspective of things you thought you knew.

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