Friday, March 31, 2006

Can You Get To Where You Want To Go?

If you're not happy with the condition of your life, just dream. Yes, dream of the future that you would like, but dream in details, with sound and smell.

If you're dreaming of having a huge house with two cars, make sure you can see the color on the inner wall of your house, see the scratch on the hood of your BMW X5, smell the fresh manure in your garden,..... Isn't this easy?

No, it is not. If it was easy to use our minds to get what we want, there would be no poverty in this world. Everyone would have what they want and life would be great. Unfortunately, using our mind is one of the hardest things to do. That is why so few of us make an attempt to do so, and that is why there are a few successes compared to the number of failures in the world.

Once you have dreamt about your future in detail, then comes planning. This is easier that dreaming, or almost. Write down what you would need to do to get from where you are now to where you want to be. This would require a change in how you think.

People who are good in something think differently about what they are good at compared to the rest of us. Think of a doctor. When he sees a person, his medical training makes him observe the person's eyes, body language and so forth; in greater detail than you or I would. Why? Because he has been trained to do so.

Similarly, people who are rich think differently about money than we do.

So, what should we do? We should learn from these people. Some of these rich people write books or give seminar or training classes. Buy their books, go for their training classes (skip seminars, you wont learn much if he is giving it for free -- nothing is free) -- learn how they think! Yes, learn how these people think. And start thinking like them.

Then, start planning how you're going to get to your future goals by incorporating what you have now learned from these people.

Mistakes most people make: Most people would read this and then think, "I wont need to buy books. I know what I need to do. I will just put it down on paper and do what I have written."

In a way, that's progress. But do you have enough ideas to get you from where you are to where you want to go! If you do, great. But most people don't. They think they do, but they don't. So, they write their goals and then try to do them one by one, only to find progress either slow or none at all. Why re-invent the wheel or follow the wrong road or why go in circles?

Read and learn from others who have gone through what you have done. Buying their books or going for their training course is so much cheaper than having to go through life learning it by experience! Try this for 6 months and you'll be amazed at how much you can achieve.

What do you have to lose? If you cant afford the books, visit a local library. Or send me an email at kenneth . gomez at gmail . com , with the subject : Free Book, and I will send you a book about how to reach your dreams from scratch -- do you dare?


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