Sunday, December 25, 2005

Is It Worth Doing Good or Should We Just Follow the Tide?

This is the Christmas season. Everyone is having fun. But there are still people living in the cold, fear and poverty. There are hungry people in the world even when we're eating our cookies and dinner. Why arent we helping? Is it because we think that we should help everyone since we're at it. Does this make us feel overwhelmed that we decide not to help.

When I feel like this, I always ponder on the parable below :

There is a wonderful old story about a man walking along a beach after a great storm. Thousands of starfish have been washed up on the sand and are dying in the morning sun. As he walks along, he stoops to pick up one starfish after another and toss it back into the ocean. After watching for a while, a stranger asks what he's doing, since he can’t possibly save all the thousands of starfish. The man quietly bends down, picks up one more fish and tosses it gently into the water. He then replies, “I can’t help all of the starfish in the world, but I can make all the difference in the world for that one.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

either way, merry xmas !!!