Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How to Use Content to Build Your Online Business by Greg Land

To build a successful online business takes a number of important factors:

1) You need to identify your target market.

2) You need to identify a problem or 0pportunity within that target market group of prospective customers that they Want or need a solution for.

3) You need to find or develop the product.

4) You need to market it to your target prospect group.

5) You need to get your prospects to want to do business with you and keep them coming back to you and your site for the product, information, etc.

So how does 'content' help you?

'Content' can fulfill many of the above needs:

1) 'Content' - could be the product or service itself that you are providing to the prospect or customer. For example, you could be selling pure information in the f0rm of ebooks, reports, articles, guides, white papers, etc. or you could be selling a product, either physical, digital or software. This is normally done through a single-page sales letter website.

2) 'Content' - could be the information you offer your prospects in addition to your sales copy, educating your prospect as to what and how big their problem or need is, and how or why your product is the solution.

3) 'Content' - could be part of what you use to market your product. This becomes your prospecting tool in the form of an ebook, report, white paper, etc. that you give away to build your prospect list and to 'ethically bribe' them to build a relationship with you.

4) 'Content' - on your website can be used to build a relationship with your prospect and customers, setting you up as their advisor and as the 'go to' expert on your topic. Good, fresh content can give your site the 'stickiness' to keep prospects coming back again and again. Over time, you should be able to convert a lot of them into profitable customers for your business.

5) 'Content' - an additional big advantage of having lots of fresh, updated content on your website is that the search engines (SE's) love this stuff. If the SE's love your site, they will be back often to see what good new stuff you have for them to index. This will translate into your site being more highly ranked on the SE's for certain keywords. This will then convert into lots of additional juicy targeted traff1c that you don't have to pay a cent for. How great is that?

Where or how do you get 'Content'?

1) Develop, write or compile your own.
2) Pay someone else to do this for you.
3) Find online sources of fr'ee 'content' on the web or public domain libraries.
4) Join a service or membership site that will provide you with 'content' or allow you access to their library of 'content'.
5) Buy one of the 'Resale' or 'Private Label' packages offered on the web.

How to use the 'Content' resources to build your online business.

1) Add relevant articles, ebooks, reports, etc. to your site to offer your visitors new, fresh content and information. If you do this regularly, you can increase the 'stickiness' of your site as well as your ranking with the SE's.

2) If you have 'resale rights' to the content, you can put up a one-page $ales letter type site, drive traff1c to it and you have a new business. Many of the resale rights packages come with 'ready to go' $ales letters and sites. I would advise you to customize your offer to differentiate yourself from your competition who also bought the package, but that will be a covered in another article.

3) Create your own paid membership site offering 'content' relevant to your target market.

4) Bundle 'content' with your existing products as a premium product or as bonuses to enhance the perceived value of your product.

5) Use as an 'upsell', 'cross sell' or 'back end' product. This means that you n0w have a whole range of additional relevant products to sell to your prospective customers and site visitors.

6) Special offers and 'Fire $ales'. Offer your prospect and customer list special limited-time offers of these products or product bundles.

7) 'Private Label Rights', offer a whole range of additional opportunities. Rename, rewrite, change as you like, add to
or change media type (i.e. from ebook to audio CD product or ebook to multi-day ecourse). These rights pretty much allow
you to do what you like with the product. It offers you the opportunity to customize a product to your target market and their needs and wants. You become the named creator or author, which helps you develop credibility as the expert in your field.

As you can see from the few basic ideas above, the options and opportunities are many. You are only limited by your own thinking.


Greg Land and his partner Gail Buckley have created the ultimate no brainer. The WOW Content Club is absolutely the # ONE BEST CONTENT resource site on the web today--bar none. If you are looking for first-rate resale content, whether it be
Niche, Public Domain or Online Marketing related, you need look no further than this remarkable site. If Info-Products are the Ultimate Marketing Tool, the WOW Content Club is the Ultimate Marketers' Website! Go see for yourself!

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